I have been unexpectedly busy these weeks... but I actually did write last week and almost finished my post but my internet connection went off and my text disappeared mysteriously. It didn't even autosave =_= I was so annoyed that day that I didn't start writing my post again hence this got delayed alot.
Anyway, as you know I visited Matka2017 (Nordic travel fair) on friday(20th) and saturday(21st) with my friends (on friday with Anniina and on saturday with Annina :P ).
On friday we headed up first straight to South-Korea's booth and in there picked up couple brochures and talked to one presenter a bit. She was friendly and got some travel tips too~
Then we just went around to see what everyone had to offer.
I actually honestly don't remember much that left really amazing impression because I felt the fair was much more smaller than last year. And last year was smaller than year before... so I feel like rather than evolving and becoming bigger this travel fair is getting smaller every year <_<
Well anyway, I went on saturday again with my friend even if I felt like I went through most of sections on friday and didn't really find but couple interesting things. Surprisingly on saturday I talked with lot more presenters and found more stuff to bring home than on friday. Strange huh? Maybe most memorable thing was that I won a gift card to furnishing store and actually got to choose one piece of furniture! Like I never win anything and now I won a big prize xD But I gifted my prize to my grandmom, I got to choose only specific things which I didn't really need and thought my grandmom would need it. So I send photos to my grandmom and she loved the furniture and next time she visits our home she picks it up~
But let's continue~ So I got more out of saturday than friday. Still, my mom's one sentence what she said to me can summarize my travel fair experience all up: "is that all?". She said that to me when I came home on friday. I had only small bag with couple brochures when couple previous years I arrived home with big heavy bag full of stuff.
So a message to organizers: try and make it more bigger again next year, return to golden age of travel fairs~ Please? :D Also, again this year I would have hoped Great Britain would be there which hasn't been there for couple years now and couple other countries like Germany and Ireland would have been great. I know Ireland had like golf tourism booth in there but I would have actually liked Ireland's booth as a country, not some specific area of tourism.
Also from Asia section I hoped to see Singapore (was disappointed again). And I would like to see New Zealand someday, it's one of my dream destinations but I haven't seen it represented in our travel fair.
All in all, I was a bit disappointed again this year like last year. I had fun with my friends but my afterfeels is that I ask myself what I got out from it and can't answer.
Here's couple photos:
I can't promise when next post is up because I'll be super busy meeting with friends this and next week and preparing my trip to Korea. I'll may be posting after my trip next time. (I'll be in Korea from 18th feb to 4th march). I'll hope everything is going to be ok because there has been a strike warning for some airport staff so it means flights might be cancelled or delayed. Currently the warning has been given only to specific airlines (lucky Finnair isn't among them) but security check might be badly crowded as some staff will be away because of the strike...
So wish me and my friend luck and that we get to Korea on time~