I had a busy weekend going to I love me beauty fair on friday and Korea culture event + KDC on saturday. By the way I'm sorry for my crappy photos because my phone is slowly dying.. first it got reeeally slow, then it had been tilting once in a while and now the camera quality got horrible so I apologize my material in here =_=
I love me beauty fair
So, I went to beauty fair in Helsinki messukeskus on friday with my friend Annina. We met at train station and travelled there together.When we arrived to messukeskus venue, it was 9.45am and opening of doors was 10am so we were like yesss we are on time. Well our joy was short lived. They had absolutely horrible arrangement of those with pre-booked ticket and those who had to get their tickets from different organizations (like they had won their ticket from competition etc.). So first Annina went to that latter line, she had to get her ticket there. I had already mine but it was pre-booked internet ticket and I slowly looked horrifyingly how my ticket line just grew and grew. In the end I said to Annina that I'm going to queue and I'll wait for her inside. But I got inside in 10 minutes while I had to wait Annina for half an hour! So in the end it took us total 45 minutes to get in! Annina said that the problem with her ticket line was that companies were only delivering tickets when they were already opening the fair so there was alot of problems because of that...
Anyway, we finally got in and started browsing around. We first went through makeup section and honestly, it was more smaller this year than last year. And we didn't get but couple samples.. would have thought that when you pay yourself in to a fair you will get something extra but apparently no. And companies didn't even have any major discounts from their products. Of course there were few companies offering great deals but major of them offered only like -20% discount from store prices so it wasn't that shocking of a deal.
NYX was the only one standing out really well from cosmetic companies. They didn't also have any major discounts but at least they had interesting display. I bought eyeliner from Nyx because I don't have one at the moment and many have been praising their eyeliners so I thought to give it a try.
Also, I don't remember this one company, I think it was finnish though but they made cosmetic products from natural ingredients and their packagings were so pretty! For example they had wooden eyeshadow palette which closed magneticly so it was awesome!
We went cosmetics around pretty fast and wandered towards health food section. Bad idea, there was too many food tastings going on lol. We tasted too much I think xD but I fell in love Twinings tea section which was prettily decorated and customer service was sooo good!
After tasting some new tea flavors from twinings we stopped to take selfie right next to it where we could print out our selfie :P it was the fair's own kind of booth to print a memory of the fair. One other booth used this kind of machine also which worked that you posted photo to instagram with one specific hashtag, the machine recognized the hashtag and printed photo out~
This is what I printed out:
Then we just wandered around abit more, participated some lotteries and just had fun time.
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This was Sokos Hotel presidentti display, very pretty right? |
There was also smaller hall across venue's bigger hall and we decided to go through it quickly because we were getting tired. But there was a fashion show that had just started so we went to watch it. First time in a fashion show, was interesting experience. There were brands like Kookenkä, Kalevala jewellery and vero moda.
So that was my experience in I love me fair. I'd say health side was biggest this year and better than last year but cosmetics side was disappointment.
This is all I got from there, makeup brush and nyx eyeliner I bought as well as real techniques cleaning tool for brushes.
Korean culture event + KDC
On saturday me and my other friend Anniina went to korean culture event in Gloria, Helsinki. Firstly we met at train station, went to eat and then to the event. We got there pretty late and there was really nothing to do. We followed a taekwondo show for awhile though but after it just waited for Kpop dance competition to start. This year competition was tough and all groups were so talented! And this year gloria had arranged a stream for those who couldn't come so it was super nice~
There was couple things though that were not arranged well. Firstly MC, it was so awkward and she tried too hard. Couple my friends watching the stream said the same... it was really hard to watch that. And second thing of negative feedback is that we had to watch Blackpink Whistle+Boombaya 3 times and Sistar's I like that cover 2 times... I'm sure organizers knew what everyone was going to perform so they had time to arrange things differently. It got downright boring to viewers to watch same cover many times. Of course groups performing them were amazing but it got boring just because there were so many...
Anyway, I enjoyed watching covers and I was glad to see there were many girl group dances this year~ And omg one group performed Shinhwa's Venus! I was so surprised, thanks to those girls for choosing Shinhwa! I tried to take photo from them but as I said before my phone camera has gotten so bad especially if there's bright lights. So I'm sorry for this abit crappy material =_=
And I also took video.. happened to be second Boombaya performance.
So this is it for this post :P
Next post is up sometime next week I think. I have some things this week so I'll be a bit busy.
See ya~
Pakko sanoo tosta, et covereita on monta samaa, et se ei oo järjestäjistä kiinni mitä tanssiryhmät haluaa esittää. KDC lähettää kyllä ryhmille tiedon, että joku tai jotkin muutkin ryhmät esittävät saman biisin, että haluatteko vaihtaa. Mut se on täysin ryhmästä kiinni, että vaihtavatko he biisejä vai ei.
VastaaPoistaRyhmillä saattaa mennä kuukausia harjotella yhtä biisiä, et en yhtään ihmettele, et kukaan ei vaihda :'D
Mun piti mennä sinne Xpress Koreaan myös, mutta uni voitti ja nukuin mielummin :D Menin sitte kaverin kanssa KDC:hen vaan ja tänä vuonna oli ihan mahtava taso !