sunnuntai 4. kesäkuuta 2017

Talk + 5th Korea trip stories part 1

Hello everyone, long time no see.

Alot has happened in these few months.

The reason I haven't been updating is kind of personal but I'm sharing it with you because this keeps happening with my blog. This is going to be quite long explanation but bear with me, I have no way to explain this shortly.

So, I have been going back and forth to doctors for almost 4 years now because I suffer from different symptoms but the worst is feeling tired 24/7, 365 days a year. Doctors have yet to find what's wrong with me but basically I feel tired all the time; sometimes it's better, sometimes worse. I have tried everything what doctors suggested without results: tried to change my rhythm of when I go to sleep and how many hours I sleep, I tried to change my diet several times and I excersize going out for walks..

So what's all this got to do with my blog? Well, when worse periods hit I'm too tired to concentrate or write anything. I'm not lazy, just very, very tired. I'll try to describe this state so hopefully you, my readers will understand what my condition is most of the time. Imagine spending your whole day at school or work and after a long day you leave tired and just want to get home to rest. This is basically what I'm feeling everyday. I wake up feeling that tired and go to sleep feeling tired.

It's kind of funny but when I travel I don't get as tired as others because I'm already tired no matter what. So it doesn't take as much energy from me when I'm travelling and experiencing new things. I'm usually so excited for travelling that I even forget feeling tired. Although it usually hits me in the evening double as bad... Happens everytime I'm excited for something lol. But I still love travelling and wouldn't change it for anything. I try staying positive and fight this feeling of tiredness.

But anyway, I hope you understand. I try updating once a month or once in two months but sometimes when worse periods hit me the gap can be more than that.

By the way, I got into school! I'm terrified and excited at the same time. Don't know how tired I am going to be but I'm mainly just excited that I got in after trying for 3 years and to study what I love the most; travelling&tourism. My DP is Hospitality, tourism and experience management.

5th Korea trip stories part 1


Travelling to South-Korea and 1st day

I was accompanied with my friend Sirja to travel to South-Korea. By the way, I'm not publishing any photos with my friends in them in case they don't want to appear in my travel posts.

Anyway, we met at the airport on time, got through security check quickly and headed up to non-schengen area. We had to wait 1 and half hour until boarding so it was not that bad.

Flight went well for us. A little drama on board at one point when one person got some sort of sudden attack and flight attendants voiced if there is any doctor or nurse on board. Luckily, the person made it to Korea so we didn't have to do extra landing and the person received medical attention in Korea.

When we got off from plane and to immigration it all went pretty fast, couple last times I travelled to Korea had to wait like an hour and now something like 20 minutes only. We were out on other side in no time and ready to travel to Seoul city center. We travelled by airport subway to Hongdae first and then changed to green line (line 2) to Sinchon where our hostel was. It was really convenient because Sinchon is basically next to Hongdae so we didn't have to travel long. And Sinchon is a university area so lots of shops and restaurants nearby!

We found our hostel pretty quickly but because we arrived something around 11am and it wasn't check-in time yet, we just left our luggage there and started searching a place to eat because we were starving. And we found Kimpab chonguk pretty quickly, it's kind of fast food chain that offers korean foods. I ordered seollongtan (I think? :D ) and Sirja got bulgogiboggeumbap (which is meat and fried rice). Then we went back to our hostel to finally check-in and get into our room. It was actually super nice, we had our own bathroom too! I apologize for messiness in photos but these are only photos I have from our room xD

Now, at first I didn't want to tell anything in my blog what happened next because I'm still pretty pissed off but I think that this would be serving as an example for travellers what negative things can also happen.

So, 2 weeks before going to Korea one person on twitter contacted me and asked if we are interested buying her tickets for BTS Wings tour concert in Seoul. I was like well yeah and we went through with the deal. I am usually very careful with online sellers but this person seemed ok. Notice, seemed.
We talked with her and paid the tickets in advance because there were some things with her story we believed. She gave us her kakao and we talked there, she was acting really friendly even after we bought the tickets and continued to talk to us. But when we got to Korea we noticed she had deleted her kakao and twitter. We had no way of contacting her and that's when we realized we had been scammed. We were already in the concert venue area when we desperately tried to contact her and waited her in the spot she had promised to meet us.

This gets more complicated but we paid her through her "friend's" paypal because she claimed she had no paypal. So we contacted this "friend's" email whose paypal we had paid to and pleading her to contact us immediately. She contacted us but told she was also scammed, that this ticket seller claimed me and Sirja are her friends and she need this other girl to help her using her paypal to get the payment from us. This other girl, let's call her Grace, she was from Singapore and said that she had paid via bank transfer and she lost more money than we did. Grace said she had been scammed second time for this concert and she had lost total something like $600. She then proved her story being also scammed by sending kakaotalk message screencaps between her and seller. It was also worse for Grace because it was her birthday and this concert was supposed to be her birthday present and party at the same time with her other friend who came to Korea with her.

We didn't have any way to even report this scammer to police or authorities because we only had her kakao and twitter, not her phone number or anything. So guys, please please please be careful and if you buy from online ask their information before buying. Ask like phone numbers, social media accounts etc. And if possible, ask for meeting face to face before concert day to buy tickets with cash.

I was sure I was careful but apparently not enough. But before this scam I bought a ticket online for Astro fanmeeting from online seller and it was legit ticket and not a scam. And she also acted similarly to this scammer so I guess that's why I didn't doubt the scammer and fell for it.

Anyway, we were feeling lost and disappointed as soon as we got to Korea. We would have wanted to see BTS because we both like their music and heard they have awesome show live. Since we were already in the venue area we tried to look someone selling their tickets but some illegal sellers had prices over 1000euros so we were like are you kidding me?! Not going to buy a ticket with that price even if it would have been our favorite artist ever in there. But we cannot change what is done so even though we were feeling pretty down we tried to cheer ourselves up by doing something to get our thoughts away from being scammed and went to Myeongdong to have coffee and tried some shopping and streetfood.

I can really recommend cosmetic brand Innisfree's own cafe which is upstairs in one of their main stores. The store is located in Myeongdong's 2nd mainstreet and you cannot pass it without noticing it. All what they offer has been produced in Jeju and their food is organic.
While we were in the cafe it started raining but we still wanted to spend a good evening and wash away our feelings of disappointments. We did some cosmetics shopping and tried several streetfoods like eggbread and tornado potato. Unfortunately I seem to have lost some photos of streetfoods but at least managed to find one :,D

After wandering around in Myeongdong we headed back to our hostel and went to sleep early.

I seriously try to post again within next month. Again, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating for so long.

By the way, got my next trip reserved and it's to Japan! Will be doing some roadtrip kind of thing with two friends, we'll be flying to Osaka and it's kind of our "base". But we also planned to stay couple days in Tokyo and Kyoto and head to Nara for a day. Really excited because I have been planning to go to Japan like over a year with one of my friend's whos now going with me.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Yhhh ärsyttää tollaiset ihmispaskat, jotka huijaa muita :(((

    Onko sulla muuten testattu kilpirauhasarvot? Oireet kuulostaa vähän samalta kuin mulla ennen kun mulla todettiin kilpparin vajaatoiminta.

    1. Jep, ei ollu ihan paras mahdollinen alku lomalle. Ja juu kaikki yleisemmät ja ei-niin yleiset on testattu, kilppariarvotkin kolme kertaa jo käyty läpi. Oon väläyttäny lääkärille sitä mahollisuutta että jos mulla on joku sairaus mikä ei näy verikokeista (mun äitillä kun on semmonen krooninen sairaus) mut ollaan vaan et "pitää nyt testata tätä ja tää pitää sulkee ensin pois ennenkun voi lähettää minnekään tarkempiin tutkimuksiin.. ja et oot viel nuori niin tuskin sulla mitään vakavaa on"... hieman rasittavaa kun neljä vuotta pompoteltu erilaisissa verikokeissa ja kehotettu vaa syömään kipulääkkeitä ja vaihtamaan ruokavaliota koko ajan :/ viimeks tuli lääkäriltä kolme lähetettä mm. fysioterapiaan jossa nyt oon kuntoutusryhmässä salikäynneillä ja lääkäri asetti nää kolme ehdoks et pitää käydä läpi ennenku suostuu kirjottaa mulle lähetettä minnekään eteenpäin husiin... nyt sit menee taas vajaa vuos edellisen tammikuisen tk käynnin jälkeen ennnenku asia etenee koska fyssari on vika niistä kolmesta joka mulla on käynnissä ja se loppuu heinäkuussa. Mä koen et nää kolme asiaa minne sain lähetteen on ihan turhia, ei poista oireita mut mua hoitanu lääkäri oli vähän itsepäisellä päällä..
